Velocity field

In order to plot the velocity field, a “Glyph filter” should be created. The easier way is by selecting the Glyph symbol in the Active Variable Controls toolbar. Looks like a sphere with little balls. Click Apply in the Properties tab of the Object Inspector. The velocity field is automatically loaded onto the pressure field. Hide the later by clicking on the eye symbol next to cavity. OpenFOAM in the Pipeline Browser. The background color may be changed in Edit, Settings, Colors tab, Background Color. The arrows are scaled by the “vector” Scale Mode. If this is set to “off” in the Properties tab, all arrows have the same length (changeable in the Set Scale Factor entry), which may be better for visualization. Do not forget to click on the green Apply button after changes are made.

The vectors are colored by the $p$ value. Change to other color in the the Display tab, e.g. “GlyphVector”, “Magnitude” (its module).

Daniel Duque