Thursday September 26th (2019)
10:30. Jonathan Bennett (U. of Birmingham)
Tomography bounds for the Fourier extension operator.
We explore the extent to which the Fourier transform of an \(L^p\) density supported on the sphere in \(\mathbb{R}^n\) can have large mass on affine subspaces, placing particular emphasis on lines and hyperplanes. This involves understanding quantities of the form \(X(|\widehat{gd\sigma}|^2)\) and \(\mathcal{R}(|\widehat{gd\sigma}|^2)\), where \(X\) and \(\mathcal{R}\) denote the classical X-ray and Radon transforms respectively. This is joint work with Shohei Nakamura (Tokyo Metropolitan University).
12:00. Salvador Pérez-Esteva (Instituto de Matemáticas-Cuernavaca, UNAM)
Herglotz functions, the Fourier extension operator and characterizations of functions in the Sobolev spaces of the sphere
The extension operator in the sphere Wf is well defined for any distribution in the sphere f and it is a solution of the Helmholtz equation in all the euclidean space. A useful and well known situation is when f belongs to \(L^2\) of the sphere, then Wf is called a Herglotz wave function. There are several characterizations of solutions of the Herglotz wave functions, starting with the classical one proved by Hartman and Wilcox. In this talk I will speak about the characterization of solutions of the Helmholtz arising from Sobolev spaces in the sphere through the extension operator. The results required the characterization of the Sobolev spaces in the sphere via multidimensional square functions that I will explain. These are the
results of collaborations with Juan Antonio Barceló, Magali Folch, Teresa Luque and Maricruz Vilela.
15:00. Ana Vargas (U. Autónoma de Madrid)
The restriction of the Fourier transform to surfaces: the
negative curvature case.
The problem of restriction of the Fourier transform to
hypersurfaces (or more generally to submanifolds in \(\mathbb {R}^n)\) was
posed by Stein in the seventies. This operator, in its adjoint form,
gives the solution of dispersive equations in terms of the Fourier
transform of the initial data. Also, the restriction operator can be
thought as a model case for more complicated oscillatory integral operators.
We will make a review of this problem, which is still open. We will
present some new results for the case of surfaces with negative
curvature. This is part is a joint work with Stefan Buschenhenke and
Detlef Müller, from Kiel.
16:15. Pedro Caro (BCAM)
Scattering with critically-singular and delta-shell potentials
In this talk I will present some recent results ---obtained in collaboration with Andoni García--- on point-source scattering theory in the presence of critically-singular and delta-shell potentials. These potentials consist of a combination of compactly supported functions with local singularities in the critical Lebesgue space and measures supported on compact hypersurfaces. To address the forward and inverse problems, I will show some new spaces adapted to the resolvent operator. These spaces turn to be very convenient to treat such potentials, and we hope that they could also help to deal with more singular perturbations.
17:30. James Wright (U. of Edinburgh)
Affine Fourier Restriction (The affine isoperimetric inequality as a sublevel set bound)
We give a survey of affine invariant harmonic analysis as it relates to the Fourier restriction problem. This survey will develop a certain perspective.
Friday September 27th
10:30. Cristóbal Meroño (U. Politécnica de Madrid)
The observational limit of wave packets with noisy measurements.
In this talk, we consider the problem of recovering an observable from
certain measurements containing random errors. The observable is
given by a pseudodifferential operator while the random errors are
generated by a Gaussian white noise. We show how wave
packets can be used to partially recover the observable from the
measurements almost surely. Furthermore, we point out the
limitation of wave packets to recover the remaining part of the
observable, and show how the errors hide the signal coming from the
observable. The recovery results are
based on an ergodicity property of the errors produced by wave
packets. (Joint work with Pedro Caro).
12:00. Luis Vega (BCAM and U. del País Vasco)
Lower bounds for Oscillatory Integrals
I shall present estimates from below of oscillatory integrals that are related to some Partial Differential Equations.
15:00. Luca Fanelli (U. di Roma 'La Sapienza')
Uniform Resolvent Estimates & Applications
We will review some classic and new results about resolvent estimates for Laplace and Dirac operators, motivated by the study of the spectra of some non self-adjoint perturbations. As applications, we will show localization or absence of eigenvalues as consequences of the Birman-Schwinger Principle.
16:15. Anthony Carbery (U. of Edinburgh)
Some remarks on conjectures of Stein and of Mizohata and Takeuchi.
We recall the conjectures of Stein and of Mizohata and
Takeuchi and observe a certain self-similarity structure.