import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Práctica 2: Optimizar función¶
Usaremos el paquete Pygad para hallar óptimos de una función diferenciable.
Hallar el óptimo de la función

Fig. 46 Función de dos variables¶
Sabemos que \(f\) tiene un mínimo (local) en el punto \((2,2)\). ¿Cómo?
Vamos a comprobar si el algoritmo genético es capaz de hallar dicho punto.
def fitness_func(solution, solution_idx):
fvalue = (x-2)**2+(y-2)**2
# maximization problem
return 1/fvalue #attention possible inf
fitness_function = fitness_func
def on_generation(ga):
def on_start(ga):
print('Starting generation',ga.generations_completed)
num_generations = 25
# num_parents_mating: Number of solutions to be selected as parents.
num_parents_mating = 4
# sol_per_pop: Number of solutions (i.e. chromosomes) within the population.
#This parameter has no action if initial_population parameter exists.
sol_per_pop = 20
#num_genes: Number of genes in the solution/chromosome.
#This parameter is not needed if the user feeds the initial population to the initial_population parameter
num_genes = 2
# mutation_num_genes=None: Number of genes to mutate which defaults to None meaning that no number is specified.
mutation_num_genes = 2
#init_range_low=-4: The lower value of the random range from which the gene values
#in the initial population are selected.
#init_range_low defaults to -4.
parent_selection_type= "sss"
#keep_parents=-1: Number of parents to keep in the current population.
#-1 (default) means to keep all parents in the next population.
#0 means keep no parents in the next population.
#A value greater than 0 means keeps the specified number of parents in the next population.
#Note that the value assigned to keep_parents cannot be < - 1
#or greater than the number of solutions within the population sol_per_pop.
keep_parents = 1
crossover_type = "two_points"
# mutation_percent_genes="default": Percentage of genes to mutate.
#It defaults to the string "default" which is later translated into the integer 10
#which means 10% of the genes will be mutated.
#It must be >0 and <=100.
#Out of this percentage, the number of genes to mutate is deduced
#which is assigned to the mutation_num_genes parameter.
mutation_percent_genes = 10
Definición del algoritmo genético¶
import pygad
ga_instance = pygad.GA(num_generations=num_generations,
/home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pygad/ UserWarning: Use the 'save_solutions' parameter with caution as it may cause memory overflow when either the number of generations, number of genes, or number of solutions in population is large.
if not self.suppress_warnings: warnings.warn("Use the 'save_solutions' parameter with caution as it may cause memory overflow when either the number of generations, number of genes, or number of solutions in population is large.")
Llamada a la optimización¶
Starting generation 0
[[ 7.77074797 -9.993278 ]
[ 0.77707472 -6.55508267]
[ 9.55178371 4.95585868]
[ 5.00139492 -8.06096971]
[-2.30736975 -4.41778046]
[-3.97559529 -8.4973897 ]
[ 7.84142503 7.46115622]
[ 9.47860386 6.92645059]
[ 2.26616064 4.76420286]
[ 1.08297713 -2.04498717]
[ 6.00683764 -8.73304441]
[-7.76945864 -6.21953725]
[ 2.50693975 6.40256302]
[ 7.58579474 5.32009488]
[-5.69170879 5.2875297 ]
[-1.24518912 -2.40853254]
[ 1.02575446 4.915821 ]
[-9.2370701 -7.80750271]
[ 8.03857272 -2.69995115]
[-8.17980224 -8.09865977]]
Generación 1
[[ 2.26616064 4.76420286]
[ 1.38120634 5.45532496]
[ 0.8776571 4.55578649]
[ 1.79250393 6.70864803]
[ 3.40078971 4.27187173]
[ 0.02972593 3.94791191]
[ 0.45328964 4.44048828]
[ 2.17426912 -2.88747213]
[ 1.87139621 6.41950206]
[ 1.54527642 4.87616058]
[ 1.07960658 -1.79076511]
[ 1.63752786 6.65562806]
[ 3.12162486 4.58784829]
[ 2.91255434 4.54377365]
[ 0.44645913 5.28108289]
[ 1.09827075 5.476014 ]
[ 2.25038978 6.16111446]
[ 0.94825839 5.6538104 ]
[ 0.34282672 -2.71619707]
[ 1.52943325 5.51556254]]
Generación 2
[[ 3.40078971 4.27187173]
[ 2.36023993 3.87374925]
[ 2.13725397 4.58813321]
[ 1.29860271 4.88409804]
[ 3.25160979 3.6605809 ]
[ 2.01597314 4.54288996]
[ 3.31338618 4.60200044]
[ 0.67688076 5.71279541]
[ 2.64596806 5.02254834]
[ 3.54753292 3.92288984]
[ 2.13537351 2.9751686 ]
[ 2.8079269 3.13666913]
[ 4.16436232 4.58878403]
[ 4.38036196 4.85899832]
[ 3.77762531 4.35563829]
[ 2.03753617 4.36471559]
[ 4.07475582 4.57361823]
[ 3.49472066 4.87022877]
[ 0.12952556 3.80031574]
[-0.51787423 5.29861426]]
Generación 3
[[2.13537351 2.9751686 ]
[2.54958308 2.17130443]
[1.85556065 4.65987119]
[2.60148151 4.50749666]
[3.07668878 3.14545876]
[1.99043571 2.81846035]
[3.59964282 4.30158506]
[2.23147806 3.37666822]
[1.79007076 4.12780223]
[2.42656566 2.66587243]
[3.76626087 2.98173253]
[3.14498153 3.10013756]
[3.09145169 4.29594931]
[1.83288545 2.34372507]
[2.41084076 4.1469601 ]
[3.34944178 3.18495309]
[4.05127157 3.16433663]
[3.40657197 3.67892578]
[3.40151897 4.10296652]
[2.60378966 3.00008203]]
Generación 4
[[1.83288545 2.34372507]
[2.21783267 2.76303454]
[2.23716967 2.00990345]
[2.21097018 2.79504256]
[2.9058182 2.91836925]
[1.82596487 1.22399516]
[2.9541403 3.11048536]
[2.565547 3.41200574]
[1.42573358 2.66679882]
[2.10805639 1.94343416]
[2.31941409 1.42959055]
[1.46379686 2.7887473 ]
[1.82558027 2.03327083]
[2.50783302 1.97128902]
[2.02712797 1.72714903]
[2.15637164 2.85847484]
[1.35861357 1.41624282]
[2.75289983 2.34109837]
[1.65221973 2.20315472]
[1.06431212 3.16895302]]
Generación 5
[[2.10805639 1.94343416]
[1.97646886 2.62284956]
[1.43266624 1.39915407]
[2.18348705 1.36581987]
[1.21826676 2.60276274]
[2.4066372 2.16433978]
[1.99467716 2.5797849 ]
[1.9228773 1.70065486]
[1.27654911 0.89781546]
[1.96027487 1.3808758 ]
[2.59442823 2.0478387 ]
[2.76860997 1.54003297]
[2.9816345 1.94616369]
[2.5568453 1.48164413]
[1.29935227 1.46044185]
[2.13581007 2.29248131]
[1.53920224 1.34356163]
[1.24347596 2.30084008]
[2.58378785 2.01281895]
[2.82900243 1.2485593 ]]
Generación 6
[[2.10805639 1.94343416]
[2.80708979 1.98560883]
[1.68099746 1.30534719]
[2.55550753 1.74042327]
[1.41254439 1.5617493 ]
[3.10046725 1.02891005]
[2.35699782 2.99419163]
[3.14857675 1.81925898]
[1.88659415 2.08007981]
[2.57055116 1.14453882]
[0.93135036 1.30250012]
[2.34496319 2.56796693]
[1.47737378 2.11329546]
[1.37976184 2.01405467]
[2.77405191 1.36760793]
[2.00104774 2.30160823]
[2.90393678 2.73084469]
[2.27039692 1.66310747]
[2.33638226 1.07203146]
[2.33078239 2.94155111]]
Generación 7
[[2.10805639 1.94343416]
[1.18417191 1.54040961]
[2.07128937 1.82962318]
[2.63677955 1.83281029]
[1.58459675 2.54131563]
[1.57461393 2.07315262]
[2.17855281 2.79971265]
[1.50531189 1.63834407]
[1.95756734 2.34197846]
[2.57445642 1.59476518]
[1.97231462 2.23087963]
[1.97326901 3.13810914]
[1.38029879 1.24084515]
[2.29761857 0.98941682]
[2.48463866 1.31556272]
[2.79441709 2.23958123]
[2.20301347 2.20671487]
[1.37012507 2.40944176]
[2.93659989 2.9162381 ]
[2.95498728 2.93022749]]
Generación 8
[[2.10805639 1.94343416]
[1.54138505 2.7450156 ]
[2.43845078 2.54634146]
[2.70289698 2.7897963 ]
[2.70322265 1.37394122]
[1.8299921 1.59792273]
[1.2141407 1.54348715]
[1.5779138 1.54211039]
[2.82631491 1.76872398]
[2.19877675 1.49158015]
[2.30644094 2.2753554 ]
[2.86601208 3.15617545]
[2.42685611 2.20480749]
[1.76513456 2.58478555]
[1.56207443 1.64397105]
[2.7197463 2.52611442]
[2.29611113 2.02345776]
[2.1069117 1.3110202 ]
[1.11486569 1.34552192]
[2.47526633 2.51928597]]
Generación 9
[[2.10805639 1.94343416]
[1.25192251 1.97027477]
[3.18979975 1.77626404]
[2.2157938 2.83519467]
[2.1618359 2.01769964]
[2.38105264 2.43365011]
[3.06542278 1.13962971]
[2.86749749 2.00446075]
[2.30571681 1.9723597 ]
[3.05873024 2.05932457]
[2.00725563 1.46619937]
[2.49893786 2.20577878]
[2.0910504 2.54309628]
[2.0578995 2.68104415]
[2.01359704 1.41007136]
[1.55744741 1.34390151]
[1.43581298 1.09182003]
[1.59082978 1.66166922]
[2.35757412 2.04940626]
[2.48445497 1.14149893]]
Generación 10
[[2.10805639 1.94343416]
[2.42416765 2.71221095]
[1.69593721 2.15275118]
[2.49056576 1.50931414]
[2.50727984 2.63014399]
[1.99603299 1.6804319 ]
[1.8261797 2.59489358]
[2.7260299 2.62021525]
[2.92172439 1.42979341]
[2.70980428 1.15288538]
[3.10074273 2.12671208]
[1.40669496 1.67802996]
[3.13162205 1.67173915]
[1.65437239 1.01828821]
[1.40136027 2.05797895]
[2.80083734 2.09594436]
[3.06119556 2.34855441]
[1.42481174 2.25279327]
[1.44332482 1.05728443]
[1.64323968 2.10759596]]
Generación 11
[[2.10805639 1.94343416]
[1.89582544 1.28414766]
[1.4840438 2.04401967]
[1.50598101 2.45218042]
[2.71193296 2.38436675]
[2.92824992 1.8308885 ]
[0.94904052 2.56631653]
[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[2.45497746 1.43249517]
[1.82722614 1.57675833]
[1.53885646 1.08214912]
[2.11703609 1.57625947]
[2.52860043 1.60922235]
[1.77122788 2.01320367]
[1.92222479 2.86708726]
[1.1267151 1.94379939]
[1.57731184 1.58571071]
[2.33540005 1.85698287]
[1.47124463 1.82027682]
[1.56393869 2.3522804 ]]
Generación 12
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[2.5465634 2.46252529]
[1.14904949 2.46070863]
[1.80749047 2.45621952]
[1.18908349 1.68400026]
[1.36508567 2.8786733 ]
[1.63778211 2.42696666]
[0.98041819 1.51938916]
[2.49456637 1.05979229]
[1.70988247 1.84648911]
[1.17005656 1.29041478]
[2.34871211 1.96747645]
[1.4484654 1.9605542 ]
[1.98444865 1.82985871]
[2.06880884 1.48134357]
[1.97783512 2.13311332]
[2.83526181 1.61750364]
[2.59131243 2.15694138]
[2.78826408 2.00537359]
[2.22910328 1.13686249]]
Generación 13
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[2.68123444 1.16442305]
[2.24643653 2.05267588]
[0.99723785 2.38311939]
[2.24794704 1.02746882]
[2.56297849 1.51453417]
[1.42776331 2.03093422]
[1.80227419 2.47794124]
[1.33484153 1.87691064]
[2.03637888 1.00678925]
[1.14901744 1.70084188]
[2.09944203 1.12924132]
[2.40073495 1.51053021]
[2.58261602 1.96940553]
[1.65708642 2.18778542]
[1.29762394 1.82010771]
[0.86910783 1.86246135]
[2.02428859 2.25281352]
[1.43689633 2.25764259]
[1.13531842 1.66539157]]
Generación 14
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[1.18024791 2.85641351]
[1.14938479 2.12781167]
[2.20449929 1.34043316]
[2.01445916 2.72237135]
[2.49307048 1.97132033]
[1.24902115 1.64754329]
[1.89003782 2.79267717]
[1.65342181 2.75823949]
[3.13003703 2.1673361 ]
[1.59048968 3.02849224]
[1.72245239 2.93163056]
[2.22359953 1.53409875]
[1.67450161 2.61622251]
[3.22666499 3.10298211]
[2.79589993 1.4690792 ]
[1.05773949 1.05426973]
[1.82233821 2.34755788]
[1.7458177 1.73683328]
[1.68670834 1.23961201]]
Generación 15
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[2.95339416 1.01349462]
[2.61237666 1.08138922]
[1.87279732 1.81170667]
[2.08504222 2.23017013]
[1.3262427 1.83763438]
[2.63260172 2.9017405 ]
[2.32039198 2.38105418]
[2.50935477 2.12757086]
[2.21220429 2.06378226]
[1.62978673 1.21297061]
[1.79260719 1.74936475]
[1.49560859 1.95581847]
[1.92590135 1.74090574]
[2.11449455 2.540842 ]
[2.8410155 2.72317549]
[1.5331672 2.15764147]
[1.58956247 1.09150497]
[2.55874567 1.42590411]
[0.87723786 1.2042689 ]]
Generación 16
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[1.45133949 2.69240966]
[2.59074847 2.79464597]
[2.38381501 1.02347633]
[2.45741889 2.93371594]
[1.32919128 2.1029347 ]
[1.75925571 2.05666773]
[1.72913147 1.79408088]
[1.04285226 3.19452496]
[1.02696839 2.2792156 ]
[1.91405278 1.10410046]
[1.62143411 2.09598754]
[1.1268565 2.91488823]
[1.49305252 1.78394339]
[1.45118954 2.37347948]
[2.45588107 2.25816832]
[2.13241266 1.43201726]
[2.50450806 2.4843678 ]
[1.61181574 2.48936123]
[1.17895379 1.27465777]]
Generación 17
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[2.59557603 2.30712837]
[2.22295313 1.4878863 ]
[2.04328934 2.78927886]
[1.17902267 1.65384854]
[1.50742329 1.05793881]
[1.25813158 2.03810946]
[2.50765771 1.29664223]
[1.46685539 2.45822522]
[1.93814687 1.17736342]
[1.68701843 1.34831068]
[1.83432197 2.37705001]
[2.33476836 1.54606555]
[2.15869234 2.14873867]
[1.3839093 2.12366771]
[1.60964041 2.71100873]
[2.01450181 1.61234875]
[0.99492093 1.67311184]
[2.21929416 3.02672461]
[2.11378352 2.59605105]]
Generación 18
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[2.14691958 1.80303653]
[2.31091478 1.25614426]
[2.15166723 2.30832266]
[2.37052263 2.91975064]
[1.85713487 1.45163354]
[1.08540888 2.84935768]
[2.54194346 2.37166102]
[1.1276412 2.95633671]
[1.52919572 1.80022691]
[2.88432788 1.98507103]
[0.8410048 1.98742941]
[1.08323586 2.32991281]
[2.29669855 2.92041372]
[2.87770567 1.35362997]
[2.24682755 1.42894372]
[0.95643031 1.7614021 ]
[2.78026356 1.19237671]
[2.06882243 1.33006091]
[1.84882979 1.75911709]]
Generación 19
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[1.61557324 1.44450548]
[2.95473167 1.62279622]
[2.41034755 2.3403198 ]
[1.83881659 2.19973018]
[1.15867396 2.13817423]
[2.25212273 2.14539261]
[1.50592259 2.63000506]
[2.72187063 2.07657565]
[2.81493387 2.84436027]
[1.23201168 1.06350204]
[2.02205381 1.65406518]
[1.61156082 2.46729695]
[1.31993181 2.23478215]
[2.20185797 1.8209328 ]
[1.34731281 2.29464993]
[2.66936653 3.22664561]
[1.69006559 2.52390304]
[0.8493063 1.65331023]
[1.15727785 2.76625669]]
Generación 20
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[1.56832341 1.99218994]
[1.48785465 2.59556384]
[3.0535674 1.44353567]
[1.51509973 1.79656055]
[2.42311473 2.78238375]
[2.49663166 2.55400264]
[1.40375342 2.97070424]
[1.5366427 1.58392409]
[2.59936595 2.9841612 ]
[1.74984031 1.42449496]
[3.11527264 2.21177325]
[2.07492398 2.19485117]
[2.30750428 1.80065418]
[1.07381949 2.0671856 ]
[1.43345873 1.2295519 ]
[2.10656323 2.05689202]
[2.47840869 1.30204642]
[1.53885975 1.30080661]
[2.22664546 2.68832918]]
Generación 21
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[1.80815189 2.17004013]
[1.23038487 1.30851951]
[1.77348815 2.81814826]
[1.39151498 2.35371943]
[1.83832755 2.44755916]
[2.38523995 1.96897374]
[1.48734171 3.04761984]
[1.98702724 1.38966759]
[2.18308304 1.39739143]
[1.86821411 1.9020075 ]
[2.63831727 1.40001872]
[1.88847141 1.75482232]
[1.65245937 2.5565612 ]
[1.89181591 2.95003851]
[2.81601078 2.3305546 ]
[1.88512243 1.53924542]
[1.3391833 1.26804356]
[1.41302504 2.10566022]
[3.1602463 2.04636427]]
Generación 22
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[1.65459131 1.52959988]
[2.0111805 1.13430144]
[1.48320491 1.21075441]
[2.44449116 1.59166142]
[2.26967961 1.73792043]
[1.03057098 3.05436402]
[2.38309007 0.79327191]
[1.60458104 2.63113709]
[2.66249661 1.10566946]
[2.46174031 1.84423644]
[1.76174978 1.19928374]
[1.03785338 1.50491035]
[1.22405966 1.86694438]
[2.56926202 2.31311656]
[2.86485038 2.80082988]
[2.19699796 2.6194564 ]
[1.13433535 2.23736639]
[2.37096172 3.03341879]
[1.47873551 2.66023511]]
Generación 23
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[1.0527408 0.95474073]
[2.22459759 1.66133359]
[0.9653862 2.29232106]
[2.84623209 0.61302715]
[2.38986482 1.25489925]
[1.30389092 1.457198 ]
[1.94637787 2.50809781]
[1.78864009 0.99924698]
[1.99393244 2.46213114]
[1.75235119 2.58505346]
[2.31705726 2.77922237]
[2.45008948 1.69651348]
[1.59411208 2.0202542 ]
[2.75442797 2.4006681 ]
[1.37979627 1.78893922]
[1.44024977 1.10776459]
[1.17318205 0.91505676]
[2.43748847 0.772807 ]
[0.83359615 1.76754466]]
Generación 24
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[2.68486518 2.85151842]
[2.30901868 1.55611547]
[2.18937785 1.05457244]
[1.33246288 2.18893772]
[1.26292457 1.90732084]
[1.38268784 1.76466356]
[1.84966969 1.8449808 ]
[2.81345231 1.72478865]
[2.23129881 2.60173029]
[2.40272782 1.32430806]
[1.44906559 2.02392394]
[1.09808965 1.28389613]
[1.27828784 2.38870575]
[2.79911065 2.94830836]
[1.33047801 1.53441192]
[2.5538766 1.72098926]
[1.42565413 2.50231096]
[3.18686519 1.71129202]
[2.80344613 1.87373915]]
Generación 25
[[2.01906762 2.00136723]
[2.07934742 2.43250613]
[1.89446298 0.62874045]
[2.19118717 1.28983361]
[1.43938966 2.78994413]
[1.42409891 2.28706104]
[2.72639868 1.54820834]
[0.50852142 1.99835494]
[2.38579999 2.34941743]
[1.67533275 2.63088342]
[1.22920882 0.68371797]
[1.80912008 2.39517979]
[1.70509191 2.5059149 ]
[3.00523491 1.19749159]
[1.82602748 1.76488102]
[2.92322594 1.69983699]
[1.01953492 1.91305785]
[1.34736582 2.59463826]
[2.18748374 2.81280488]
[3.09877138 2.74911112]]
solution, solution_fitness, solution_idx = ga_instance.best_solution()
print("best_solution: {solution}".format(solution =solution))
best_solution: [2.01906762 2.00136723]
print("best_solution fitness: {}".format(solution_fitness))
print("Valor de f: {}".format(1/solution_fitness))
best_solution fitness: 2736.4004513483387
Valor de f: 0.000365443588312251


array([[2.01906762, 2.00136723],
[2.07934742, 2.43250613],
[1.89446298, 0.62874045],
[2.19118717, 1.28983361],
[1.43938966, 2.78994413],
[1.42409891, 2.28706104],
[2.72639868, 1.54820834],
[0.50852142, 1.99835494],
[2.38579999, 2.34941743],
[1.67533275, 2.63088342],
[1.22920882, 0.68371797],
[1.80912008, 2.39517979],
[1.70509191, 2.5059149 ],
[3.00523491, 1.19749159],
[1.82602748, 1.76488102],
[2.92322594, 1.69983699],
[1.01953492, 1.91305785],
[1.34736582, 2.59463826],
[2.18748374, 2.81280488],
[3.09877138, 2.74911112]])