Seminario del Departamento de Matemática e Informática Aplicadas
a las Ingenierías Civil y Naval

Symmetry and monotonicity of singular solutions to nonlocal problems in bounded and unbounded domains

Luigi Montoro (U Calabria)

We consider weak positive solutions  to (−∆)^s u = f (x, u) in Ω \ Γ under  zero Dirichlet  boundary condition.   The  domain  Ω is bounded  or is the  whole space and  the solution has a singularity on the singular set Γ. Under suitable  assumptions on f we prove symmetry and  monotonicity properties  of the  solutions  when the  singular  set Γ has zero s-capacity.

3 de mayo de 2017.
Hora:   12:30
Lugar: Aula 42 (Jose Echegaray) de la fundacion Agustin de Betancourt de la ETSI Caminos
(primera planta)